Nagu Super Speciality Dental Clinic - Latest update - ROOT CANAL TREATMENT IN CHANNAPATNA

Contact : +919901344447

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure aimed at saving a severely damaged or infected tooth. Typically recommended when the inner pulp of a tooth becomes infected or inflamed due to deep decay, cracks, or trauma, root canal treatment involves removing the infected or damaged pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the root canal system, and then filling and sealing the space to prevent further infection. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. Despite its reputation for being painful, modern root canal treatments are generally no more uncomfortable than having a routine filling. Following the procedure, the tooth may require a crown or restoration to restore its strength and function fully. Root canal treatment is highly effective in preserving natural teeth, alleviating pain, and preventing the need for extraction, thereby promoting long-term dental health and preserving the natural smile. It is crucial to consult with a qualified dentist or endodontist to determine if root canal treatment is the appropriate solution for addressing dental issues.


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