Root Canal Treatment In Channapatana

Nagu Super Speciality Dental Clinic - Latest update - Root Canal Treatment In Channapatana

A root canal is a dental procedure designed to address and alleviate severe dental issues, typically involving the pulp of a tooth. When the innermost part of a tooth, called the pulp, becomes infected or damaged due to factors such as deep decay, trauma, or infection, a root canal becomes necessary to save the tooth. During the procedure, a dentist or endodontist removes the infected or damaged pulp, cleans and disinfects the interior of the tooth, and then seals it to prevent further infection. This process helps to relieve pain and discomfort while preserving the natural tooth structure. Although root canals have earned a reputation for being painful, modern techniques and anesthesia make the procedure relatively comfortable. Ultimately, a successful root canal can spare patients from tooth extraction and the need for replacement options like dental implants or bridges, ensuring they can maintain their natural smile and oral function.

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